Collaborative Research Fund 2014/15 Funding Results

Equipment Proposal

Proposal No Coordinating Institution/Collaborating Institution(s) Proposal Title Amount
(exclusive of on-costs)
CityU/HKBU, CUHK Four Dimensional Live Imaging of Zebrafish Embryonic Development Using Light Sheet
Microscopy and Biocomputational Tools
CityU/CUHK, PolyU, HKUST, HKU Three-dimensional (3D) Atom Probe Facility for Characterization of Advanced Materials
Research at Atomic- and Nano-scales
HKBU/CUHK, PolyU, HKUST, HKU Method Development by Using the Advanced Technique of NanoLC Coupled with NanoESI-LTQ Orbitrap Fusion MS and Applications for Proteomics and Metabolomics Researches
CUHK/HKUST, HKU A Tier-2 Computing Center for Fundamental Physics
PolyU/HKUST, HKU A Unique Multipurpose Transonic-to-Hypersonic Ludwieg Tube Facility for Study of the High-Speed Aerodynamics
PolyU/HKBU, HKUST A High-Output Protein Crystallography Facility with State-of-the-Art Area Detector and Automation Modules
PolyU/HKBU, CUHK, HKUST, HKU Acqusition of an Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometer for Advancing Research in Drug Discovery
HKUST/CityU, PolyU, CUHK, HKU Super-resolution Electron Microscopy Facility for Cross-disciplinary Materials Research
HKUST/ Two-photon light sheet microscope system for deep and fast live imaging
HKU/PolyU Micro-PET for pre-clinical molecular imaging research in Hong Kong
HKU/CityU, HKBU, CUHK Establishment of a shared live cell imaging platform for super-resolution microscopy
HKU/CityU, HKUST Inert-Environment Facilities for investigating optical-electrical-thermal properties of hybrid structure optoelectronics

Group Research Proposals

Proposal No Coordinating Institution/Collaborating Institution(s) Proposal Title Amount
(exclusive of on-costs)
CUHK/HKBU, HKUST EXPO and Autophagosome in Plants
CUHK/HKU Elucidating the molecular defects associated with PTEN mutations in Autism Spectrum Disorders
CUHK/HKUST Functional Liver Cancer Epigenomics: Exploiting Epigenetic Vulnerabilities for Therapeutics
CUHK/CityU Joint R&D of Biometals as Orthopaedic Implants
CUHK/PolyU Non-planar Polycyclic Arenes: From Molecules to Materials
CUHK/HKBU, HKU Marine Genomics: Crustacean evolution and aquaculture
PolyU/CityU, HKUST, HKU Development of Design Methodologies for the Improvement of Wind and Thermal Comfort in the Urban Environment
PolyU/CUHK, HKUST Heterogeneous Chemistry of Atmospheric Reactive Nitrogen Oxides: An Integrative Programme for Cutting-edge Science
C5023-14G PolyU/CUHK, HKUST Ligand-Enabled Direct and Regioselective C-O bond Cleavage/Functionalization of Aromatic and Aliphatic Ethers for Sustainable Chemical Syntheses
HKUST/CUHK The role of IL-33 in synaptic dysfunctions and pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease
C6004-14G HKUST/CUHK, HKU Dynamics of Soft Matter at Interfaces: Theory, simulations and experiments
C6015-14G HKUST/CUHK Elucidation of the role of Pax7 in muscle stem cells
C6033-14G HKUST/HKBU, HKU Total Municipal Organic Waste Management by integrating Food Waste Disposal And Sewage Treatment (MOW-FAST)
C7027-14G HKU/ A Multidisciplinary Study on CD133 Liver Cancer Stem Cells: Molecular Mechanisms, Clinical Relevance and Therapeutic Implications
C7037-14G HKU/ Novel Structure and Function of Human Sirtuins
C7038-14G HKU/CUHK Investigation of effects and molecular mechanisms of FGFR2-positive cancer-associate fibroblasts on tumor microenvironment in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
C7044-14G HKU/PolyU, HKUST Fe-enhanced primary sedimentation and sludge acidogenesis for resources (P and PHA) recovery during wastewater treatment
C7055-14G HKU/CUHK A Multi-disciplinary Approach to Investigate Vascular Dysfunction in Obesity and Diabetes: From Molecular Mechanism to Therapeutic Intervention